When God created man, man was given a mission in life to complete; when we are born to this earth we all have one mission or other to complete. In other to complete the mission, we need to find or discover ourselves in other to fulfill our destiny. Dictionary definition of destiny define destiny to mean ones fate, that is, future that is so determined. We could say that, destiny entail a lot of things ranging from material things to spiritual things, above all living a fulfilled life.
To live a fulfilled life, one must had been an achiever in life; one must had passed through some difficult task before becoming an achiever. Look at the life of Ruth and David; they are biblical examples of peoples that have fulfilled their destiny. Ill like any one that will read this article to have one thing in mind, that no one can fulfill his or her destiny alone without the destiny helper.
The reason why a lot of people had not fulfilled their destiny today is because they have not been connected to their destiny helper. A lot of dreams, vision and hardworking fade away till ones death due to the fact that, God had not made their destiny helper to locate them. Most of the time, it is the destiny helper that locate us not we finding our destiny helper; ours responsibilities is to pray to God so that our destiny helper could locate us.
The question now is who are the destiny helpers? Destiny helpers are those people that God uses to fulfilling ones destiny in life. They could be one, groups or even in multitude, only God determine the number. When we look at the life of David, bible said that, David fulfilled his destiny, but God used Samuel to anoint him as king; As if Saul the reigning king does not want to make David the king, God used different people from difference place to ensure that his destiny was fulfilled.
If you look at I Chronicle 12:1-40, you will see different group of people, mighty in war and leader of various groups that God used to ensure that David fulfilled his destiny. Verse 1, 8, 18, 22; they were just coming, mighty men in war, they did not only ensure that David became a king but they ensured that David was successful during his time as a king; men of understanding were among the destiny helper that God sent to him, it wasnt David that was looking for them they kept on coming to David on their own.
Ruth was another biblical example, she lost her husband, left her old home in Moab and she was rejected in her new one in Bethlehem. She never gives up; she was making the best of a bad deal by gleaning just enough to stay alive. It was in that treble situation that God turned things around for her and sent her destiny helper. When God sent you destiny helper, God will put you in a situation where others do the work and you get the benefit; there could be sudden changes!
Doors open, opportunities come, favors come, people you thought didn’t notice you or even likes you begin showing you favors. God then begin to connect you from one destiny helpers to another, they will begin to troop in asking you, if there is any where they could offer a help even for free. Ruth started out for one destination and found herself in another. When Boaz called her name, she came from the background to a place of blessing in the foreground; instead of working in a corner of the field, she ended up owing the field.
When God moves, thats how quickly it can happen. So be ready and start praying for destiny helper, because there is nothing one could achieve without the destiny helper. It is interest to point here that, Jesus Christ also had destiny helper with ensured that, His destiny was fulfilled. They were His disciples, the wise men just to mention few.