Home Motivational Facts The 8 Strategies Of A “Winner’s Brain”

The 8 Strategies Of A “Winner’s Brain”


These eight qualities below are generally described as the key ingredients for success and are indeed the strategies of a winner’s brain. How many do you have? Which have you mastered and which need improvement?

Win Factor No 1: Self awareness
By having a well developed sense of self-awareness you are able to improve your relationships, quality of work, and your relationship with God, and how you effectively use the money God entrusts to you. Those who are self-aware not only realize how they relate with the rest of the world but also how the rest of the world relates with them. If you are confident, authentic, and aware of your strengths and weaknesses, you will be more long-term focused and effective in all areas of your life. Ask yourself: What does money mean to me and why do I want more?

Win Factor No 2: Motivation
In life, there is no doubting the fact that money and material things rarely motivate us. It is a greater sense of purpose and greater passions that catapult us to success. Do you let obstacles and challenges get in your way or are you fully committed and dedicated to your cause?
Weak motivation is often a key crimpling factor that stands between you and success. Ask yourself: Do my financial goals have deep meaning to me or are they generic, impersonal goals?

Win Factor No 3: Focus
Let us face it: in a world of emails, phone calls, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo messenger, texting, and so on, many items are competing for our attention. It’s easy to develop A-D-D! You may say, I Don’t Have A.D.D. You could be in denial that you have Attention Deficit Disorder or maybe it is not that severe, but still you let life get in the way. Do you focus on what is most important and the key activities you need to accomplish in order to be successful? Ask yourself: Will I focus only on those things that will make me financially successful or will I allow each crisis to consume me?

Win Factor No 4: Emotional Balance
Successful people adjust their emotions to remain balanced during the highs and lows that come along. They tune out negative thoughts and focus on what they can control. Focus on what you CAN do, instead of what you CAN’T do! Ask yourself: Will I allow emotions like greed and fear to influence my decisions or will I instead focus on making sound financial decisions?

Win Factor No 5: Memory
Our past can either be helpful or harmful to us. Failure and past mistakes can either consume us or build character and become teaching moments. Those who are financially successful learn from past mistakes and don’t let previous failures hold them back. Ask yourself: Will I make progress financially, view the past as useful history and now look to the future?

Win Factor No 6: Resilience
How we react during the bad times is more important than what we do during the good. Itís easy to stay on track when things are going according to plan. Yet, the bumpy roads of life often create quitters. Those who succeed get knocked down but they get back up again and again -more times than most people. They embrace failure because it means they are one step closer to success. When Thomas Edison was asked about how he viewed all his failed attempts to invent the light bulb. He responded, I have not failed. Iíve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. Ask yourself: At what point will I give up or will I press on no matter what the cost?

Win Factor No 7: Adaptability
Those who succeed are willing to adapt and are not so set in their ways that they resist change. Apple Computer revolutionized how we listen to music with one device, e.g iPod . Netflix changed how we watch movies. Many have used the changing tides to seize opportunity! Ask yourself: What small, incremental, and big changes can I make today that will positively affect my future?

Win Factor No 8: Brain Care
We all know proper sleep, regularly exercising, and eating right, are the keys to proper health. Yet, we look for magic diet pills, ìradical diets, and a host of weird solutions that will instantly erase years of overeating and under-exercising.

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